Should I Replace the Windows Before Selling My House?

Should I Replace My Windows Before I Sell?

It’s the spring real estate market. And if you are selling your home, you want to get the most money you can. There is a benefit when you can list your home to be able to tell a potential home buyer that your windows are brand new. But how do you know if you need to replace the windows or if regular maintenance will do? If you assess the conditions of your windows, and they aren’t living up to today’s energy efficiency expectations, you may need to replace the windows before selling your house.

Do I Need To Replace My Windows?

Of course, the answer to this question depends primarily on whether or not your current windows are in good condition. In order to succeed as a seller, you need to think like a buyer. If you were buying your house, would the windows cause you to hesitate with your purchase? You can apply this litmus test to many aspects of your home. If any of the following are true about your windows, you should consider replacing them.

  • Broken: Whether it is the glass, latches, locks, or springs, you will want to make the repairs right away.
  • Drafty: In order to maintain an energy-efficiency in your home, make sure you seal the windows and replace the weather-striping. If this doesn’t seem to alleviate the issue, you will need to replace the offending windows.
  • Efficiency: If your windows are old and allow the sun to warm your home too quickly, the AC unit will have to work harder. Todays buyers want energy efficient homes.

New Windows Are A Selling Point

In any selling situation, it’s important to highlight the positives of a house. New windows are a huge positive. The more positive aspects of your home, the more points will be racked up in your favor in the mind of the prospective buyer.

Remember, your prospective buyers are always measuring your house and its features against the competition. In today’s market, there is a lot of competition. The more things that make your house stand out the better. In addition to the aesthetic and longevity advantages new windows provide, they normally will provide much better insulation than older options. New, energy efficient windows are very attractive to the modern home buyer.

Will You Make It Back?

A commonly asked question is, if I spend the money on window replacement, will I make it back? It’s hard to measure exactly how much the final amount will increase based on new windows. However, it will be something which will draw buyer to your house and encourage them to come back. Since 83% of homebuyers want energy-efficient windows, this should be enough of a push to get you to replace your old windows if it is needed.

Buying and moving into a new home are enough without having to worry about the hassle, expense and inconveniences of having all the windows replaced right away. Each house and set of windows is different. The bottom line is if your windows need work, they are most likely lengthening the process and driving the final price down.

If you need to replace or inspect your windows before selling your house, you want an expert’s help. Want to learn more about improving your home before selling? Call us to schedule a free consultation. We understand the stress of selling and the many complications you can uncover as you get a house ready for the market.