7 Tips to Secure Your Home

7 Tips to Secure Your Home

Did you know a home burglary occurs every 13 seconds in the U.S.?

Depending on where you live, having a security system might be a good choice. However, there are other ways to secure your home even if you haven’t invested in one. Look at the statistics below to see where you should focus when seeing if your home can be easily entered.

  • 34% of burglars use the front door
  • 23% enter through a first-floor window
  • 22% break in through a back door
  • 9% get in through the garage

Here are seven steps below to secure your home even if you don’t have an in-home security system.

Inspect your doors and locks

Since the majority of burglars enter through the front door, it’s important that you invest in a quality front door and lock. Make sure the door isn’t hollow, but composed of wood or metal. And just as importantly that your lock is high-end.

When breaking in through a door, intruders frequently kick the door. Often the doorjamb breaks near the lock’s plate allowing the invader to enter. A good quality lock will help withstand the force and prevent the break-in. What’s a good quality lock? A grade 1 or grade 2 dead-bolt lock that penetrates the door frame and the strike plate (stationary piece that the bolt enters) should be made of metal with three-inch-long screws that penetrate the door jamb and the door frame.

Sliding-glass doors are also another popular point of entry for burglars. To make them more secure, insert a custom-sized piece of wood in the interior track. Finally, while electric garage doors aren’t a popular entry point, many homeowners leave these doors open much of the time allowing easy access to intruders. So, treat all doors like your front door and keep it closed.

Install outdoor lighting

Burglars like to work in the dark so light up the outside of your home. Install or replace outdoor lighting with energy-efficient motion detectors near all of your home’s points of entry. This precaution will help deter burglars from choosing your house to intrude in the first place.

Create an “I’m at home” appearance

Just as it’s important to deter potential intruders with outdoor lightning, indoor lights work, too. Install timers on lamps to make it look like you are at home even when you’re not.

Eliminate your hidden key

Guess what? Your hidden key under the mat, under a rock or in your mailbox, isn’t really hidden. Burglars know all of these hiding spots and it makes it very easy for them to enter your home. A better idea would be to give a key to a trusted friend or neighbor.

Secure your windows and air conditioning units

An often overlooked way to secure your home is to ensure your window locks are operating properly. If your window lock is broken, replace it or have it fixed immediately. You may also want to consider trying low-cost window security alarms to alert you if a window breaks. Also air conditioners that are not secure provide an easy entry point for intruders. Make sure to use brackets, sliding window locks, and/or corner braces to prevent break-ins.

Place warning signs on your property

Whether or not you have a security system or a dog, it’s a good idea to install a sign warning potential intruders that your house is secured by an alarm and that you own a dog. Ask a neighbor or friend with a security system for an extra sign to post in the front of your yard. You can buy a “beware of dog” signs at your local pet store or online.

Get an inspection

Once you take the above precautions, call your local police department for a complimentary home inspection. Many police departments will send an officer to your home to provide recommendations to increase security.

Don’t forget to follow this advice to secure your home so you don’t become a statistic and your home gets burglarized.